this week (as if we're really weekly) we decided the TCP needed an estrogen boost, so we went with jane campion's first feature film, sweetie. which is fitting, since it's also my first campion experience. aside from knowing of its australian origins and 1989 production date, going in my expectations = zero.
what is sweetie? who is sweetie? unfortuntately, these questions are answered at the midway point, when one of the most contemptible and repulsive characters ever put on film tazmanian devils herself into the plot. sweetie, you see, is the once-institutionalized sister to kay, our main character. everything sweetie touches turns to unbearable. you see that precious toy horse up there? it ends up getting coughed out of sweetie's mouth with gobs of blood and bile.
sweetie aside, sweetie is a beautiful movie. if you want to see how colors should go together and you enjoy well-framed shots, see this. however, considering everything else, such as story, sweetie's a tough one to sit through. despite a modest 97 minute runtime, the plot trudges like those huge guys that pull 18-wheelers with a harness strapped to their necks.
we each hit a breaking point. for me, it was the horse eating. for jim, it was the treehouse. i dare you to find out what i mean by this. well, you already know about the horse eating, but still...the treehouse...