it took me a good sec to find an image for kicking and screaming cuz will ferrell's mug was all up in my google search. this movie does not involve the misadventures of an incompetent dad who decides to coach his son's youth soccer team in a misguided attempt to win the respect of both his son and his own father.
k and s is about some dudes from vassar, reluctantly nicknamed the cougars, who try to cope with post-grad life in 1995, a time when going to prague was a unique idea, only 12 (creepy-ass link warning) jason movies had been released, and the knicks were perennial playoff hopefuls.
like a lot of criterion movies we've seen so far, we were quick to dismiss the movie. but while we were pointing out negatives (eg cheesy acting, actors' resemblences to hs classmates), before we knew it we were mad enthralled.
added bonus(es): knowing another movie the guy from outside providence has been in. AND where the the older sister from the wonder years has been. o yea, and parker posey kills it here.
Damn, 1995 was the year I spent all my movie allowance on Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. I now regret that decision.
Wait, which one is the older sister from the Wonder Years?
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