having now seen "notes on a scandal," which i saw this morning, i've verified that i'll probably never care about the best actress categories. there's a reason they announce the best female jump off like an hour before the best male awards are given out. that said, cate blanchett and judi dench both killed it in this movie. i give their performances an 8 and 8.5 out of 10 respectively. but does that mean that they deserve an award for it? neither of them were playin idi amin, man. and you know what? neither of them could pull that off any damn way.
p.s.: noas was adapted for screen by patrick marber, who wrote "closer."
wooooow. wow. wow. wow. aren't you jumping the gun on this one? i didnt see note son a scandal, but to discredit the entire category of best actress? are you nuts?!?!?!?
first of all, penelope cruz was amazing in volver. the entire movie volver was amazing in volver. (and on a side note, pan's labrynth didn't win best foreign pic? what the hell?) yes, having judi, meryl, and helen all nominated in the same year is bland, but come on man.
hilary swank for boys dont cry????
francis mcdormand for fargo????
i'd like to see you play a crossdresser or a pregnant cop from minnesota. try it. i dare you.
uh hello i don't think these are criterion dvds. What is the damn hold-up? The other 811 releases aren't gonna watch themselves!
yo notes on a scandal is the ILLEST movie. saw it over christmas break. in other news, like that html tag? snap.
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